Miguel, Maria and Madalena and my wife Danila.
Marcelo Fernandes de Almeida is Professor of the Department of Mathematics (DMA) in Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). He works with fluid dynamics, partial differential equations and harmonic analysis.
Bolsas de Pesquisa CNPq - PQ-2, 2022--2025
ICM 2018 Travel Grant, Open Arms Program
Projeto Universal CNPq (2017-2020)
e-mail: marcelo@mat.ufs.br
Researc interest: Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Dynamic and Harmonic Analysis
Congress Agenda
Talk at 2024 Matemáticas y Memoria: Un Seminario de Análisis y Ecuaciones Diferenciales para Latinoamérica, Universidad del Atlántico, August, Colombia
Talk at 2023 VI Workshop on Fluids and PDE, Celebrating the 60th birthday of Helena J. Nussenzveig Lopes and Milton C. Lopes Filho will take place from 23rd to 27th Oct 2023 at Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil.
Talk at 2023 XIII Americas, will take place at (ICMC) of the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), at São Carlos-SP, Brazil, January 30 to February 3, 2023.
Talk at 2022 SAMSA 2022, Nov. 22 - 25
Talk at 2022 XV Congress GAFEVOL Nov. 28 - Dec. 02
Talk at 2021 Mathematical Congress of the Americas, July - 12
Talk at 2021 Analysis Seminar - UNB, April - 09
Talk at 2021 Linear PDEs and related topics, Jun - 21, UFPR and ICMC-USP.
Visiting researchers
Tiago Picon - USP - Ribeirão Preto 2019
Paulo Dattori - USP - São Carlos 2019
Lucas Catão - UNICAMP 2020
Marcelo Ebert - USP - Ribeirão Preto 2020
UFS - Banca de Mestrado, Caroline Pereira Santos, 2022
UFS - Banca de Mestrado, Thiago Guimarães, 2021
UFPE - Banca de Doutorado, Michele Novais, 2020.
UFS - Banca de Mestrado, Ian Rodrigues, 2020
Upcoming Teaching
Análise II (Matemática)
Cálculo C (Engenharias)
Previous Teaching
MAT0065 - Introdução a Análise Harmônica (Mestrado)
MAT0070 - Equações Diferenciais Parciais (Graduação)
MAT0087 - Introdução a Teoria da Medida (Graduação)
MAT0070 - Equações Diferenciais Parciais (Graduação)
- Previous Teaching
MAT0031 - Análise Complexa (Mestrado)
MAT0117 - Espaços Métricos (Graduação)
Int. Teoria da Medida (Graduação)
Articles published
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Picon, T. Fourier transform decay of distributions in Hardy-Morrey spaces, Resultate der Mathematik, 2024
de Almeida, Marcelo F.; Charles Amorim and Eder Mateus; Global existence of solutions for Boussisnesq system with energy dissipation, JMAA, 2024
de Almeida, Marcelo F.; VASCONCELOS FILHO, C. H. M.; PICON, T. A note on continuity of strongly singular Calderón-Zygmund operators in Hardy-Morrey spaces, Trends in Mathematics, Proceedings ISAAC, 2023
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Lima, L.S.M. 2021. Adams’ trace principle in Morrey–Lorentz spaces on β-Hausdorff dimensional surfaces. Annales Fennici Mathematici. 46, 2 (Sep. 2021), 1161–1177.
de Almeida, Marcelo, F. and Dattori da Silva: Solvability of a class of first order differential operators on the torus, Results in Mathemathics, 2021
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and F.; Ferreira, Lucas C. F. Time-weighted estimates in Lorentz spaces and self-similarity for wave equations with singular potentials. Analysis & PDE, 2017 - PDF
de Almeida, Marcelo F.; Ferreira, Lucas C. F.; Lima, Lidiane S. M. Uniform global well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes-Coriolis system in a new critical space. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2017 - PDF
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and F. Ferreira, Lucas C.; Precioso, Juliana C. On the Heat Equation with Nonlinearity and Singular Anisotropic Potential on the Boundary. Potential Analysis, 2017 - PDF
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Viana, Arlúcio; Self-similar solutions for a superdiffusive heat equation with gradient nonlinearity. EJDE, 2016
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Precioso, Juliana C. P. Existence and symmetries of solutions in Besov-Morrey spaces for a semilinear heat-wave type equation. JMAA, 2015
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Ferreira, Lucas C. F. On the Navier Stokes equations in the half-space with initial and boundary rough data in Morrey spaces. JDE, 2013
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Ferreira, Lucas C. F. On the local solvability in Morrey spaces of the Navier-Stokes equations in a rotating frame. JMAA, 2013
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Ferreira, Lucas C. F. Self-similarity, symmetries and asymptotic behavior in Morrey spaces for a fractional wave equation. Differential and Integral Equations, 2012
de Almeida, Marcelo F. and Ferreira, L. C. F. On the well-posedness and large time behavior for Boussinesq equations in Morrey spaces. Differential and Integral Equations, 2011
Papers submitted
Chapter published
de Almeida, Marcelo F.; VASCONCELOS FILHO, C. H. M.; PICON, T. A note on continuity of strongly singular Calderón-Zygmund operators in Hardy-Morrey spaces, Trends in Mathematics, Proceedings ISAAC, 2023
Encouraging students of Mathematics in Brazil
Articles published
de Almeida, M.F. and Prado Cruz, V.J.T.; TEOREMA DA DISTRIBUICÃO UNIFORME DE SEQUENCIAS, ReviSeM, Ano 2023, N . 1, 37–47